Monday, October 25, 2010

Periodic Table Building Blocks for Geek Kids

Periodic Table Building Blocks Set

Parents who think their little geniuses are too smart to play with common ABC's may rejoice at this solution. The Periodic Table Building Blocks set comes with 20 multi-sided blocks featuring all of the elements on the periodic table printed in bright colors. This set is exclusive to ThinkGeek and costs $39.99. "Great for wee geeks, chemistry geeks and science teachers. In fact, we betcha that your favorite chemistry nerd would love these, even if they're 36 years, not 36 months."

Element Bacon

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Word of the Day


Definition: A sudden desire.
Synonyms: whim, impulse

Article of the Day

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Today's Birthday

In the News

Quote of the Day
People don't have fortunes left them in that style nowadays; men have to work and women to marry for money. It's a dreadfully unjust world.
Louisa May Alcott

Spelling Bee
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score: -
n. the branch of mechanics concerned with the forces that cause motions of bodies
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