Monday, March 14, 2011

People express love and support for Japan through art

In response to the devastating earthquake and subsequent tsunami that struck Japan, many people around the world are showing their love and support through art.

Pray for Japanby ~S-n-o-w-L-i-l-y

Rising Sun, Rise Againby =xpedr0

Pray For Japan Posterby ~blacklabelwood

Pray for Japan with our handsby ~ShaolinNinjas

pray for japanby ~uzu-maki

Pray for Japanby ~Bianchina

Pray For Japanby =TenshiBakaNeko

PRAY FOR JAPANby ~jokaSmile

Symphathy for Japanby ~eyeripper

Pray For ~Ka-Xanx21

pray for Japanby ~chaceru

Pray For JAPAN *aoao2

Minute of silenceby *Dragonfly113

Pray For Japanby *JDInUnderland

Pray for JAPANby ~ZombieTeddyBearz

A Prayer for Japanby *GanguroLove

Pray for Japan Avatarby ~erixyao

Prayby ~Mezamero

Pray for Japanby ~yukosan2

Prayers for nihonby =3hedgies

Pray for Japanby ~bramhistory

APH - Tears Of Hopeby ~milaa-chan

Sasuke-Pray For Japanby *Cassy-F-E

pray for Japanby ~Mion-Michaelis

stay strong, Japanby =mayukichan

Pray for Japan, pray for the world

Donate to Red Cross
In US you can text REDCROSS to 90999 to give $10 for Japan earthquake and Pacific Tsunami. Online:
You can also give toward Japan relief today at newly launched

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People don't have fortunes left them in that style nowadays; men have to work and women to marry for money. It's a dreadfully unjust world.
Louisa May Alcott

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