A five minute animation by Rinat Timerkaev, inspired by Makoto Shinkai (新海 誠) and Yoko Kanno (菅野 よう子).
This animation has no special meaning, it just shows the beauty of love and Yekaterinburg* in spring, when apple trees are in full bloom.
"I love you" is also considered to be one of the first Russian anime-style animations.
* Yekaterinburg (Russian: Екатеринбу́рг, also romanized Ekaterinburg), formerly Sverdlovsk (Свердло́вск) is a major city (one of the top 5) sutuated in the central part of Russia on the eastern side of the Ural mountain range, it is the main industrial and cultural center of the Urals Federal District with a population of 1,293,537 (2002 Census)