Saturday, April 9, 2011

Cute Sad Puppies (20 photos)


Ella the Snow Dog
Ella the Snow Dog by jpctalbot, on Flickr
How much is that puppy, in the cage?
How much is that puppy, in the cage? by toolmantim, on Flickr
puppy by mi55er, on Flickr

Poor little guy...
Poor little guy... by normalityrelief, on Flickr
Awkward look
Awkward look by Webb Zahn, on Flickr
sad sandy
ad sandy by sun dazed, on Flickr
Waiting by r.f.m II, on Flickr
Sad Trixie
Sad Trixie by txbowen, on Flickr
Aquiles needs a docter
Aquiles needs a docter by riquard, on Flickr
All Alone...
All Alone... by fallwithme, on Flickr
281/365: Guinness is very good today
Guinness is very good today by Magic Madzik, on Flickr
Excitement by Sam Hames, on Flickr
Frog, ~13 weeks
Frog, ~13 weeks by TenSafeFrogs, on Flickr

Say what?
Say what? by Cordey, on Flickr"
Streeeeeeetch it out
Streeeeeeetch it out by Cordey, on FlickrAdd caption

Macauley. by premieroctobre, on Flickr
Dina by allyaubry, on Flickr

Untitled by John Steven Fernandez, on Flickr

how about them puppy dog eyes? (YIP: 146)
how about them puppy dog eyes? (YIP: 146) by sleepyneko, on Flickr